Monthly Archives: February 2008

Leaving Agilent Technologies!

Well, I write this on the eve of my last day with Agilent Technologies and an EMC design career spanning 21 years! Many have asked how it feels (of course, the smile keeps getting larger) and after some thought, it’s the same feeling I get when just about to embark on a major trip – a mix of anticipation and a little excitement. I certainly have mixed feelings about leaving the company early (I turn 57 this April), because I’ve enjoyed the job, enjoyed working with such talented people and have loved the challenge of helping the designers over the regulatory hurdles. On the other hand, this is the longest I’ve worked for any company and it just seems right to move on to new opportunities. Exciting times ahead, to be sure!


Hi All,
This is the new home of Kenneth Wyatt’s EMC seminars. I’ve been a senior EMC engineer at Agilent Technologies for 21 years. Prior to that, I worked as a product development engineer for various aerospace companies. During the course of my career at Agilent, I developed a comprehensive, but practical, series of seminar modules on EMC design. These will be offered through the well-known RF/wireless seminar provider, Besser Associates. They can be reached at and my current course offerings are posted there. The purpose of this Web site and Blog is to collect several EMC-related tools and tips. I’ll be adding a bunch of content in the next few weeks, so please check back.